All tagged Personal Finance

How Credit Cards Work (for the COMPLETE BEGINNER)

3 minute read

Credit card companies only make money when you don’t pay off your entire statement balance.

Every month, you’ll get this really confusing piece of paper with a bunch of words that even I don’t fully understand.

We just need to focus on the New Balance and ignore the minimum balance.

Anything you don’t pay back will get charged compound interest! This is bad debt.

So you opened a Roth IRA...what next?

2 minute read

Roth IRAs are great investment vehicles...if you use the money in them to buy assets.

These include stocks, bonds, ETFs, REITs, mutual and index funds.

You want to let these assets appreciate and compound in value over time! The main benefit to a Roth IRA is that you let time increase the value of your money, and you get to take it out tax free at retirement!